Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 11/8/2010
Hey guys, I hope all is well.  It has been a while since I last wrote one of these, but it’s been pretty quiet here.  I’ve been taking the last few weeks off to relax and have some fun with friends back here in Iowa, because I didn’t have a lot of time this summer.  It has been nice to have no pressure and do some normal 18 year-old things!

I actually had the chance to do some rock climbing the past few days.  I did it once before, when I was 10 years old, but it seems like the first time.  The wall was probably fifty feet or so high.  I never thought it would take so much work to climb it.  It felt like I used muscles that I’ve never used before.  Hopefully, I can go a few more times, because it was a blast.

I’ve also been getting into a routine of getting up at 4:30 a.m.  Typically, I have been working out, and then going deer hunting on our property.  I just bought a bow, and it has been pretty cool.  I have had the chance at getting a few deer from my tree stand, but I am trying to wait and get the big one.  We’ll see if that plan works out like I have pictured it.

I hope everyone has a good week.  Be sure to stop by my Facebook Fan page, if you haven’t already, and stay in touch during the coming winter months.


Tags: mwm , minute with moffitt , break , relaxing , hunting , climbing

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