Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 3/16/2011
Hi, everyone! Things have been progressing very well for me in NC. I am all settled after the move and am enjoying living on my own. I have set a nice routine by working in the mornings at the Michael Waltrip Racing shop and then working with the team’s trainer in the afternoon to help increase my endurance. I have really been getting to know and bond with a lot of the MWR crewmembers, and I feel like we have great chemistry heading into the start of the season.
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Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 2/17/2011
Hi, everyone! How’s it going? I just got home to Iowa this morning and am getting back into the routine here. Last time I wrote, my father and I were about to drive to North Carolina. What an eventful trip that was! With the roads still being bad from all the snow, the long drive was a headache. We finally got there after driving non-stop. We did not get just one, but two flat tires on the way. I couldn’t believe it. Luck was not on our side with that trip, but we finally made it.
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Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 2/7/2011
Can you believe that the racing season is almost here? I just finished packing some furniture, and the plan is to head out of Iowa tomorrow with my father to bring my car and some things to North Carolina. All of the recent trips back and forth have made me realize that it is much more practical to have my car in North Carolina to travel back and forth than trying to rely on either my friends or my crew chief, even though I have been staying with him. It’s about an 18 hour drive from Iowa to NC, and I’ve made it before, so it shouldn’t be that bad. We just hope Mother Nature cooperates.
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Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 1/20/2011
Hey fans, I hope everyone is having a great New Year! I just got home from North Carolina on Sunday (Jan. 9). What a memorable trip that was! It started by getting to spend some time with my new crew chief, Mike Greci. He let me stay with him for the week, and it was great to get to bond with him and learn more about him. Mike is so much fun, and he is also really smart when it comes to the cars, so he is a huge asset to the team. I also got to spend some more time meeting the guys at MWR and seeing the shop.
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Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 12/29/2010
Greetings, fans! I hope everyone had a great Christmas. It has been too long since I last wrote, but things have been pretty hectic here over the holidays, and I haven’t had much down time.
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Posted by BMR in Brett Moffitt Racing on 12/27/2010
Grimes, IA – Officials at Michael Waltrip Racing (MWR) are excited to announce that Brett Moffitt will drive MWR’s No. 00 Toyota in the NASCAR K&N Pro Series East during the 2011 season.
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